Sunday, October 30, 2005 |
23:13 - Stare-based community
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The Adult Swim bumpmeisters have been poking viewers in the ribs for a couple of weeks now, clearing their throats, and whispering with unaccustomed earnestness in our ears. They really want it made clear that Something Important Is Coming™. Something too important for irreverence. Something massive.
Namely, Boondocks.
We just thought we should let you know This whole Boondocks thing which premieres November 6th is TV-MA. Which doesn't just mean it's not for kids. It also means it's for those mature enough to handle certain things. Like reality.
Oh, and by "reality" we mean racism. [adult swim]
Uh huh.
This is the show whose teaser for the past three weeks has been Huey, in camo fatigues, walking up to a microphone at some kind of fancy white-bread dinner event, tapping it, and saying:
Excuse me? Everybody, I've got a brief announcement: Jesus was black, Ronald Reagan was the devil, and the government is lying about 9/11. Thank you, and good night.
Why do I get this pernicious feeling that my conception of "reality" isn't about to undergo some huge upheaval?
I guess it goes to show they know their viewership, though. Who but ironic, solipsistic, disillusioned, self-parodying, self-loathing young hipsters watches this block anyway?
Hell, why didn't they just give Ted Rall or Tom Tomorrow an animated series?
UPDATE: more, via LGF.