Tuesday, October 26, 2004 |
11:05 - Okay, this isn't funny anymore
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So let me get this straight:
Sent to me by a source in the government: “The Iraqi explosives story is a fraud. These weapons were not there when US troops went to this site in 2003. The IAEA and its head, the anti-American Mohammed El Baradei, leaked a false letter on this issue to the media to embarrass the Bush administration. The US is trying to deny El Baradei a second term and we have been on his case for missing the Libyan nuclear weapons program and for weakness on the Iranian nuclear weapons program.”
Which means:
News of missing explosives in Iraq — first reported in April 2003 — was being resurrected for a 60 MINUTES election eve broadcast designed to knock the Bush administration into a crisis mode.
Jeff Fager, executive producer of the Sunday edition of 60 MINUTES, said in a statement that “our plan was to run the story on October 31.”
. . .
An NBCNEWS crew embedded with troops moved in to secure the Al-Qaqaa weapons facility on April 10, 2003, one day after the liberation of Iraq. According to NBCNEWS, the explosives were already missing when the American troops arrived.
. . .
CBSNEWS’ plan to unleash the story just 24 hours before election day had one senior Bush official outraged.
“Darn, I wanted to see the forged documents to show how this was somehow covered up,” the Bush source, who asked not to be named, mocked, recalling last months CBS airing of fraudulent Bush national guard letters.
So CBS is not only not chastened by the Rathergate business, they're doing more of the same.
And they're just as incompetent about it, too: they couldn't wrangle this story into the time slot they were hoping for (the same one as the Bush DUI story from 2000), so it got out too early—early enough for everybody to instantly expose it as another big godddamned fraud.
Why does CBS still have a broadcasting license?!
This isn't even about typewriter fonts and thin wheedling excuses that certain kinds of Word documents might possibly, given the right alignment of planets and a National Guard officer with a sufficiently insane high-end typography hobby, have been produced in 1970, an argument that could just peter out over the course of weeks and fall out of the public consciousness as they got lost in details of kerning and superscripts. No... this is about an easily verifiable story that they are baldfacedly lying about with the explicit purpose of influencing the election. The difference between this and, say, claiming on Halloween evening that Bush was never in fact the governor of Texas and instead spent those years drinking rum in Tahiti while an inflatable version of himself received fellatio in the Texas State House is now reduced to mere vocabulary.
This is absolutely ridiculous. It's making a mockery of our electoral system, once the envy of the world. Small wonder the UN thinks our election is worth monitoring, while they can't even bring themselves to find fault with the one in Afghanistan. These media organs have become so blatantly partisan, and so disingenuous about it, and yet so convinced of their own immunity from doubt or scorn, that they quite literally think they can get away with anything. If one manufactured scandal doesn't work, well, just make up another one, a bigger one. Who's gonna doubt them, a bunch of Web-surfing geeks in pajamas?
CBS's credibility has been living a charmed life ever since Rathergate, somehow miraculously not crashing through the thin ice. Now they're jumping up and down and cackling.
It probably still won't break.
UPDATE: Oh, and note that in that first article, John Kerry couldn't wait to use the original leak of the story to grab a microphone and blame Bush for somehow being responsible for letting these 380 tons of explosives go missing.
Kerry said terrorists could use the material “to kill our troops, our people, blow up airplanes and level buildings.”
“This is one of the great blunders of Iraq, one of the greatest blunders of this administration and the incredible incompetence of this president and this administration has put our troops at risk and this country at greater risk.”
Couldn't even wait for your own fact-checkers to give you the green-light, could you, John? Care to issue an apology?
Maybe admit your collusion with CBS, or something?
UPDATE: Someone should get MoveOn.org in on this whole Internet thing:
Every day, the tragedy in Iraq deepens. On Sunday, newspapers reported the execution of 49 members of the Iraqi National Guard, who were lined up and executed at the hands of insurgents. And yesterday, the New York Times reported that hundreds of thousands of pounds of deadly explosives in Iraq have gone missing, looted from a facility that was left unprotected by the U.S. Army. Yet George Bush says everything's going fine.
Maybe it's the Times that's lying, you freaks, not Bush.
UPDATE: And now Kerry is running an ad centered on this "story".
Geez louise. Are we in a race condition here? Is the Kerry campaign specifically, cynically trying to get as many bogus memes into the water as possible in this last week before the election, just to be as loud and chaotic as possible so there won't be any chance for the administration to post a defense in time, or for the public to absorb it if they do?
If they win, how will they live with themselves once everything calms down and they start to reflect on what precedent they've set this year?
Do they even care?
UPDATE: Bob P. e-mails:
How news travels....on the main 6o'clock news yesterday the missing 380 tons of explosives was the lead story on New Zealand's channel one, and they even claimed that the explosives "could be used to trigger a nuclear device"
And the dems say that it's *Bush* trading in fear....
I seriously don't know if I can take another week of this...