Wednesday, February 11, 2004 |
15:59 - "Sorry about all the dead people, Saddam-- we shoulda left that to the professionals"
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I hadn't thought it was possible for Garry Trudeau to find a way to cram this many pieces of misleading and morally and logically sprained dogma into a single daily strip... but I was wrong.
Astounding, isn't it?
Talking about Saddam's "tyranny" is changing the subject. Yeah, they're demanding The Truth on the streets of Baghdad, aren't they?
"No WMD means no rationale for war". Uh, no, no WMD means now there's at least one fewer insane dictator in the Middle East with the history and capability of making them. God, I'm sick of explaining this-- but I'm even sicker of the fact that it needs to be explained.
"What do you say after you invade another country by mistake? ...It's like a blooper invasion!" Boy, Garry sure came up with a heap of one-liners late last night, huh?
"Oops, my bad. Sorry about all the dead people." Yeah, sorry about those mass graves being opened. Sure is a shame the world had to see that. It would have been so much easier to just leave them lie, huh?
Normally I tell myself that Trudeau is just a humorist making his way in the world, and he has a right to his opinion just as I have a right to mine.
But dammit, I am really starting to loathe the man.
Accusations like this, and the "Bush AWOL" thing... well, I often have to explain to friends that I'm really not a big Bush booster, not by nature. His spending habits aren't thrilling me, and I certainly don't like his stand on the FMA. But you know, I have this thing about bullshit. I don't like it, no matter who it's directed at. I didn't like it when people giggled over Gore "inventing the Internet", because I knew that was a bald misrepresentation of what he said; and I don't like it now, when people accuse Bush of flying to Baghdad so he could pose with a "plastic turkey" on Thanksgiving. Bullshit. I call it when I see it. When someone's undertaking an unprecedented world-changing burden, and he's being sniped at from all directions, and the content of the sniping consists of bullshit, I'm going to call it that. I see what's going on in Kerry's speeches and Moore's movies and Trudeau's strips, and you know what I see? Bullshit. I will not put up with it, and I will not remain quiet on the subject just so people can "have their fun". This is serious business, and I'm goddamned sick of people who can't deal with it and prefer to cower under this carapace of "humor" to maintain their illusion of intellectual superiority. It's not funny, Garry, you pinhead. You're being disingenuous and you know it, yet the glow you get from feeling like a "rebel" is worth more to you than taking a principled stand for some values that aren't very popular in the highbrow academic/entertainment world. So stuff it so far up your ass you can taste it.
Hhhh. Okay. I'm better now.